Costume Party Half Marathon Completed



My best friend and running partner, Wayne McBrayer, and I completed the Costume Party Run Half Marathon on July 13, 2014.  The day was much warmer than expected for San Diego and the “mostly flat” course turned out to be equivalent to 20 flights of stairs according to my Fitbit. But that’s ok – we did it! And we earned these most AWESOME medals! Yes, that is a disco ball in the center and you would not believe how HEAVY these medals are – LOL!

I think I will look for my next run to be in the Fall!! (when it is cooler)

What’s been your favorite race “bling” that you’ve earned?

Running for the Bling



Wow! Hard to believe the Costume Party Half Marathon is only TWO WEEKS away!

This will be my third half marathon this year (and ever) but I’m not feeling overly confident due to a nagging knee issue. But I will do it – even if I come in last. My primary goal is to finish in the allotted time so I will earn this awesome medal!

What are your secrets for working through pain and injury? Keep in mind, I walk/run – and not fast.  Hoping to average 15:30/mile.

Change begins …

“Organizational change begins with leaders who walk the talk by transforming themselves, and then invite everyone in the organization to lead alongside them.”

— Stratford Sherman

Make a positive difference …

“Most people are like you and me, or the people across the street or around the world from you and me. Just like you and me, their hearts tell them that somewhere, somehow they can make a positive difference in the world.”

— William Baker

AOII Leadership Institute

AOII LI 2014 Logo


Today AOII sisters from all over North America will begin to gather in Franklin, TN for our bi-annual Leadership Institute. This is always such an amazing weekend!

We will focusing on the pillars of AOII — Scholarship, Sisterhood, and Service.

Thursday and Friday, the volunteer leader will have meetings and training. On Friday we will kick off the opening of Leadership Institute with a dinner, awards presentations, and a Power Session by Rick Barnes — The Evolution of Leadership. But it won’t end there – we will have Network Gatherings, Meet & Greets, and all sorts of opportunities to visit with our sisters!

Saturday is our truly power-packed day!! We will have three more power sessions. First, the AOII Half-Time Report. Next, Lori Hart — Policies in Focus.  Finally, James Robilotta – Check your Leadership Ego.  Between power sessions we will have Learning Paths. This will be followed by a dinner and awards presentation and then AOII After-Hours activities that are sure to be a blast!

Sunday will start with breakfast and award presentations (yes – the third because we have MUCH to celebrate). We will have our final power session – Lori Hart – Hitting the Road … In Focus. After closing the event, we will head home exhausted yet energized at the same time!

AOII – Exceeding the Expectations! 



Every great accomplishment …

“Virtually every great accomplishment or movement was started by someone who believed passionately in something – and someone who believed passionately in that person.”

— Margaret Warren

At the end of the day …

“It’s important to know that at the end of the day it’s not the medals you remember. What you remember is the process — what you learn about yourself by challenging yourself, the experiences you share with other people, the honesty the training demands — those are things nobody can take away from you whether you finish twelfth or you’re an Olympic Champion.”

— Silken Laumann, Canadian Olympian

Test for a leader …

“The ultimate test for a leader is not whether he or she makes smart decisions and takes decisive action, but whether he or she teaches others to be leaders.”

__ Noel M. Tichy

A light in the world …

“There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways.”

— Mother Theresa

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